Learn without boundaries

Learn more about the virtual welcome

Our mission for impact

Our mission is to make a positive impact on the world through high-quality online short and micro-credential courses. Aotearoa, New Zealand is a country where people can learn how to deepen their understanding, innovate and have meaningful interactions. Mission New Zealand invites you to our country from wherever you may live to learn more about what makes us unique. On this site, you will find information on areas where we are world leaders, and online courses from leading New Zealand higher education institutes that provide insight, knowledge, transferrable skills and credentials. We are here to teach, but also to learn from engaging with you. This is just the beginning. Join us on the online learning journey and start a lifelong connection with Aotearoa, New Zealand. In time, we hope to see you here in our country, in person.

Learn with free and micro-credential online courses

Across Aotearoa, New Zealand our higher-education institutes are committed to building a better future. Many of these institutes have opened their virtual doors to invite you in. Sign up for a free short course or join a micro-credential and earn credits as you start your Aotearoa, New Zealand learning journey online.

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Why not see for yourself?

We're walking-the-talk when it comes to making a big difference. Take a tour through Aotearoa, New Zealand to see what we're doing in this part of the world.

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Mission New Zealand